Engine Rebuilding
Engine Rebuilding
Engine Rebuilding should only be needed if something has gone drastically wrong with your vehicle! Waiting too long to have an oil change performed, or going past the suggested mileage when a timing belt is due to be replaced can lead to severe engine damage. Many times the only way your vehicle will run right is a complete engine rebuilding. We will give you honest good old fashioned customer service. We will give you a warranty that lasts up to 16x longer than some local competitors. Our advanced technology and ASE Certified Technicians will diagnose your vehicle and determine exactly what you need. Call us today!
Scott’s Automotive Service Benefits :

As a former owner of a small auto repair shop I can’t speak highly enough about Scott and his staff. When I was in the auto repair business, Scott was there to support and offer a lending hand at the drop of a hat. That’s right, he was basically helping his competition. This just goes to show you his character and it clearly comes through in the way he takes care of his customers. I would never consider anyone else to work on my cars.
Kelly Wingfield
Kelly Wingfield